Here is how I framed the problem, Lets say I have captured my solution to a problem in pseudo-code and I want to translate it into synthesizable RTL.
- Infer registers with non-blocking assigns (<=) in clocked always blocks.
- The same register may not be assigned to in multiple blocks
- Combinational logic can be described either in always @* blocks or using continuous assigns.
Very often it isn't design, but really design by simulation. Write stuff, simulate, make changes, repeat.
You wouldn't write an english essay by stringing together a bunch of words and then running the grammar and spell checker. You would be surprised at how often RTL code is written in this fashion though.
My approach is this: Make every attempt at writing correct by construction RTL, this exercise will force you to give the necessary thought upfront, and producing robust code after fewer debug-recode cycles. Enough preachy talk, onto the meat of my article, outlining the framework I use. (this is for a non-pipelined design)
Establish Naming convention
for rtl signals to clearly distinguish between registers and combinational wires.
Control wires : _wc suffix (wire control)
Control registers: _rc
suffix (reg control)
Data wires: _wd suffix (wire data)
Data registers: _rd suffix (reg data)
FSM state register: fsm_cs (current state), fsm_nxt (next state)
State machine
described in an always @* combinational block.
The magic or algorithm is implemented here.
This always @*
block will have the following properties. System Verilog equivalent is an always_comb block.
Starts with default
assignments, for all *_wc, *_rc, *_wd, *_rd signals.
All assignments
will be to _w* signals not _r* (registered signals)
Most commonly:
All _wc , control
signals are assigned a default of 0. (pulsed control).
All _wd, data
signals are assigned to the corresponding _rd signal (hold data value)
State machine logic, using case( fsm_cs ), within each branch of the case assign fsm_nxt for a state transition, else by default you will remain in that state.
To avoid
combinatorial loops ,the if conditionals in this always block should use _rc or
_rd signals.
If _wc or _ wd
signals are being used take a closer look. Ideally they are only being used to
improve the readability of the code, that is combinatorial expressions built up
within a single case select.
Inferring registers in clocked always block
In reset section
- all _rc control signals will be assigned 0. *_rc <= 0
- Usually, no assignments within for *_rd data signals.
- fsm_cs <= your_start_state
all _rd & _rc signals will be assigned to their
corresponding _wd & _wc
signals. *_rd <= *_wd ; *_rc <= *_wc ;
and next state assignment for state machine: fsm_cs <= fsm_nxt ;=========================================
data_splitter ( /*AUTOARG*/
Outputsidata_pop, odata1_push, odata1, odata2_pop, odata2,
// Inputs
clk, rst, stagecnt, num, idata_rdy, idata, odata1_rdy, odata2_rdy
//System clk and reset
clk ;input rst ;
//Splitter parameters
[31:0] stagecnt ;input [31:0] num ;
Data from fifo interface
idata_rdy ;input [31:0] idata ;
output idata_pop ;
//Output data interface
odata1_push;input odata1_rdy;
output [31:0] odata1;
output odata2_push;
input odata2_rdy;
output [31:0] odata2;
//zWidth [31:0]
data ;
//zRegreg [31:0] idata_pop_rc ;
reg chan1_cnt_rc ;
reg [31:0] idata_pop_wc ;
reg [31:0] odata1_push_wc ;
reg chan1_cnt_wc ;
reg [31:0] idata_rd ;
reg [31:0] odata1_rd ;
reg [31:0] odata2_rd ;
reg [31:0] data_rd ;
reg [31:0] data_wd ;
reg [1:0] fsm_cs, fsm_nxt ;
parameter s0=1,s1=2,s2=2;
//Inferring registers in clocked always block
@(posedge clk)
if (rst)begin
idata_pop_rc <= 0 ;
chan1_cnt_rc <= 0 ;
idata_pop_rc <=
idata_pop_wc ;
chan1_cnt_rc <=
chan1_cnt_wc ;data_rd <= data_wd ;
fsm_cs <= fsm_nxt ;
//State machine described in an always @* combinational block.
//1. Is data rdy in source, yes then pop
//2. Push stagecnt times to channel1, unless not rdy//1. Is data rdy in source, yes then pop
//Default assignments to *_wc and *_wd signals.
fsm_nxt = fsm_cs ;
idata_pop_wc = 0 ;odata1_push_wc = 0 ;
chan1_cnt_wc = 0 ;
data_wd = data_rd ;
s0:beginif ( idata_rdy )
idata_pop_wc = 1;
fsm_nxt = s1 ;
if ( idata_pop_rc )
data_wd = idata;
if ( chan1_cnt_rc <
stagecnt && odata1_rdy )
beginodata1_push_wc = 1;
fsm_nxt = s2 ;
odata1 = data_rd ;
chan1_cnt_wc = chan1_cnt_rc + 1 ;
fsm_nxt = s0 ;
endcase // case (fsm_cs)
endmodule // data_splitter
Q. Even *_wc and *_wd signals are declared as registers, aren't they wires ?
A. The context in which the variables are assigned determines if registers will be inferred. They are declared as registers so that they can be assigned in the always @* block (which is combinational).
Q. In the example code, what is the //zClk/Wire stuff ?
A. Its a little pre-processor I wrote to fill in some the declarations and default assignments auto-magically. If there is sufficient interest I'll send it up to github or something.
Q. What does the example code do ?
A. Yeah, should come up with a better example rather than snipping it from an existing code base to just show the different sections. Again if there is enough interest I'll put up an example with a testbench.
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