Friday, November 2, 2012

Xilinx EDK and Synplify

 Using Synplify to synthesize pcore logic in EDK
Pcores are user defined custom cores to hook up to to a Microblaze or PPC based embedded system in Xilinx FPGAs. Synplify often produces better results than XST (the Xilinx synthesis tool) both in terms of timing and area. 

1. Generate pcore, enable the generate in verilog option
2. This will create user_logic.v
3. Create a synplify project file for user_logic.v and all modules underneath it.

4. In synplify go to File->New, then select new project file. 

5. Add user_logic.v and other modules referenced by it. Synplify will also treat modules with only IO declaration as a blackbox. These blackbox modules will be resolved in the ngcbuild step.

6. Go under implementation options, select the right xilinx part no.

7. Most important under implementation options, disable automatic IO insertion.

8. Run in synplify

9. Synplify generates an .edf file

10. Copy to pcores<ip_name>/netlist directory and run edif2ngd user_logic.edf, rename output from to user_logic.ngc.

11. In pcores/hdl/verilog, edit user_logic.v to remove all code between the IO declaration and endmodule. Synthesis will take any module with an io port definition and treat it as a blackbox.

            eg black box definition:

             module foo ( clk , rst, datain, dataout) ;

                input clk, rst;

                input datain ;

                output dataout;

             //If you want to include behavioral simulation code here 

             //do so within synthesis translate off and on

             // XST and synplicity should recognize this

             //synthesis translate_offf




             //synthesis translate_on


12. Edit the pcores/<ip_name>/data/.pao  file , if need be , it should only reference user_logic.v (in addition to the the other edk libraries and vhdl wrapper).

13. In pcores/<ip_name>/data directory create a .bbd file

          This is just a comma separated list of the coregen.ngc files, with a first line saying Files

          eg bbd file:
          # This is a comment, must have Files keyword below


          srlfifo39.ngc , user_logic.ngc 

14. In the .mpd file add

          OPTION STYLE = MIX


15. Invoke EDK build flow. 

16. If it fails MAP , it could be because synplify has not optimized away unconnected inputs. Create dummy connection to the problem LUTs. Rerun synplify.

17. Complete build.

This has been tested on the sample ml509_dpi  design with fifo read logic.

It ran into a problem with MAP. Issue was traced to the Intr_Event not being driven, drove it with a dummy register and then it worked.

(should try a simply tie off and see)

Sample synplify project file:

#-- Synplicity, Inc.

#-- Version C-2009.06-SP1

#-- Written on Wed Apr 14 12:30:27 2010

#project files

add_file -verilog "./srlfifo39.v"

add_file -verilog "./tag_data_splitter.v"

add_file -verilog "./tag_parser.v"

add_file -verilog "./user_logic.v"

#implementation: "rev_1"

impl -add rev_1 -type fpga

#device options

set_option -technology Virtex5

set_option -part XC5VLX110T

set_option -package FF1136

set_option -speed_grade -1

set_option -part_companion ""


#compilation/mapping options

set_option -use_fsm_explorer 0

set_option -top_module "user_logic"


# sequential_optimization_options

set_option -symbolic_fsm_compiler 1


# Compiler Options

set_option -compiler_compatible 0

set_option -resource_sharing 1

# mapper_options

set_option -frequency auto

set_option -write_verilog 0

set_option -write_vhdl 0

# Xilinx Virtex2

set_option -run_prop_extract 1

set_option -maxfan 10000

set_option -disable_io_insertion 1

set_option -pipe 1

set_option -update_models_cp 0

set_option -retiming 0

set_option -no_sequential_opt 0

set_option -fixgatedclocks 3

set_option -fixgeneratedclocks 3

# Xilinx Virtex5

set_option -enable_prepacking 1 

#VIF options

set_option -write_vif 1

#automatic place and route (vendor) options

set_option -write_apr_constraint 1

#set result format/file last

project -result_file "./rev_1/user_logic.edf"


#implementation attributes

set_option -vlog_std v2001

set_option -project_relative_includes 1

impl -active "rev_1"








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